JR Coaching Programs
Geared towards Junior golfers with previous experience looking for spring, summer, and fall training. Each class will consist of a max of 12 students. The Spring coaching program fee is $310 for 6 classes. The program includes a sleeve of golf balls, hat, 5 complimentary buckets of balls, as well as golf included at no fee, after 5pm on the weekdays and after 4 pm on the weekends. Parent or guardian must accompany the junior athlete and purchase a cart for $20.
The goal for this program is to get your athletes out on the course to advance through a hat system. For example all Juniors will start from the 100 yard plate, white hat. Once your player shoots 39 or below they will move to the next level green hat. This will ensure motivation and success right from the start. I encourage parents playing with their juniors to play from the same tees and you will be amazed how much this will help your short game. The hat system is not mandatory.
Spring Classes:
Class #1 begins Monday, April 14th from 4:30pm – 5:30pm | Click link to register for class 1: CLASS 1 |
Class #2 begins Tuesday, April 15th from 4:30pm – 5:30pm | Click link to register for class 2: CLASS 2 |
Class #3 begins Wednesday, April 16th from 4:30pm – 5:30pm | Click link to register for class 3: CLASS 3 |
Class #4 begins Friday April 17th from 4:30pm – 5:30pm | Click link to register for class 3: CLASS 4 |
Please click Spring Junior Golf Coaching Program Flyer for more info.
Summer Classes:
The Summer coaching program fee is $340 for 7 classes. And includes a sleeve of golf balls, hat, 5 complimentary buckets of balls, as well as golf included after 5pm on the weekdays and after 4 pm on the weekends. Parent or guardian must accompany the junior athlete and purchase a cart for $20.
Class #1 begins Monday, June 9th from 4:00pm – 5:00pm | Click link to register for class 1: CLASS 1 |
Class #2 begins Tuesday, June 10th from 4:00pm – 5:00pm | Click link to register for class 2: CLASS 2 |
Class #3 begins Wednesday, June 11th from 4:00pm – 5:00pm | Click link to register for class 3: CLASS 3 |
Class #4 begins Thursday June 12th from 3:00pm – 4:00pm | Click link to register for class 3: CLASS 4 |
Please click Summer Junior Coaching Program Flyer for more info.
Junior Golf Camps
Geared towards juniors that are beginning to learn the game, or have minimal to intermediate experience. 2025 we will be offering Tuesday thru Friday camps from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm with 7 sessions scheduled. Included in the fee of $320: 12 hours of practice, Srixon gift package, snacks, and prizes.
Session 1 June 10th – 13th | Click link to register for session 1: SESSION 1 |
Session 2 June 17th – 20th | Click link to register for session 2: SESSION 2 |
Session 3 June 24th – 27th | Click link to register for session 3: SESSION 3 |
Session 4 July 8th – 11th | Click link to register for session 4: SESSION 4 |
Session 5 July 15th – 18th | Click link to register for session 5: SESSION 5 |
Session 6 July 22nd – 25th | Click link to register for session 6: SESSION 6 |
Session 7 July 39th – Aug 1st | Click link to register for session 7: SESSION 7 |
Please Click Junior Camp Flyer for more info
High School Coaching Program
This program is for juniors looking to play high school golf in the fall and want to sharpen their skills before the fall season begins. This program is 6 weeks of instruction and is for 12-17 year old boys and girls. The cost is $310 and limited to the first 12 participants New 2025, any participant in the High School Coaching Program can play the golf course for $20 after 5pm on the weekdays and after 4pm on the weekends. Walking only unless you show valid drivers license.
Spring Class:
Spring Class 1: Monday 5:45 – 6:45 pm April 14th – May 19th Spring Class 2: Friday 5:45 – 6:45 pm April 18th – May 23rd | Click link to register for session 1: CLASS 1 Click link to register for session 2: CLASS 2 |
Please Click Spring High School Coaching flyer for more info
Summer Classes:
The cost is $360 and limited to the first 12 participants New 2025, any participant in the High School Coaching Program can play the golf course for $20 after 5pm on the weekdays and after 4pm on the weekends. Walking only unless you show valid drivers license.
Class 1: Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00 pm June 10th – Jul 29th | Click link to register for session 1: CLASS 1 |
Class 2: Friday 3:00 – 4:00 pm June 13th – Aug 1st | Click link to register for session 2: CLASS 2 |
Please Click Summer High School Coaching flyer for more info
PGA Junior League 7-14
This program is for any junior looking to play the game in a team format. In 2025 we will have 4 teams competing against Naperbrook and Springbrook in a scramble format. Practices will be held once a week on Thursdays from 5-6:30pm starting mid May with a match (5-6 matches) every Saturday afternoon starting 2nd week of June. To find out more details or to register please click link: pgajuniorleague.com
Contact BJ Paul at (630) 589-4863 with any questions.
Other Contact info for BJ Paul at 630-771-9400 ext 4500 or bjpaul@bolingbrookgolfclub.com